This is my kind of place…
I’ll be frequenting The Snowline Saloon as soon as they reopen their doors!
I’ll be frequenting The Snowline Saloon as soon as they reopen their doors!
Movie theaters closed… okay. Restaurants closed… fine. Gyms closed… ENOUGH!!!!!
Now, I don’t want to get off on a rant here, but… for the love all that is healthy, please open up the gyms! I was in much better health six months ago before the ridiculous lock down started.
I wish one of these gyms would suck it up and open despite the unacceptable restrictions by our inept governor. Imposing requirements we will never meet, keeping everything closed and keeping mental health and fitness at an all time low.
Our rural area which is the largest in the county, has the lowest case count, but we are treated the same for the entire county. Does that sound fair?
My Saturday night, waiting for AAA after a tire blew out. Went into town late to help a friend and this is what I get.
This is unbelievable!!!
I’m so sick of “them” shoving winter down our throats.
I’ve had enough, and I’m not going to take it anymore.
Burn it all down!!!
Where’s my pitchfork and protesting pants?