Tag Archives: friends

Here we go again… and again… and probably again…

We still haven’t made it all the way through the darn game, despite our attempts to stay focused on the quest.

Originally Streamed on Monday, March 25th at 12:00pm PST.

Join me once again (if you haven’t already given up on us) as Steve, Daniel and I, conclude our visit to “The Information Superhighway®” and try our best to find out, “Where in Corpsman Santiago is Roger Wilco?”

Space Quest 6 developers play Space Quest 6 with Daniel Albu – PART 3

The stream continues…

Well, we didn’t make it very far… What is most embarrassing about the whole thing is, the first part of the game was programmed mostly by me. I couldn’t remember how to do anything and boy did Steve and Daniel sure let me have it. How in the heck did anyone figure out the Datacorder puzzle? I’m still trying to comprehend the logic.

We’ll be at it again on Friday, February 23nd at 12:00pm, but this time Steve will be at the controls. We are going to do as many of these dang videos as needed to conquer our last obus together.

Space Quest 6 developers play Space Quest 6 with Daniel Albu – PART 2

Stream with me!

The year is 2024, but the vibes are straight outta 1995 as my old Sierra pal Steve and I settle in for a live stream unlike any other. Both grizzled veterans of the gaming industry, our hair a touch grayer, our eyes a twinkle brighter, and our hearts brimming with nostalgia for the days of floppy disks and pixelated wonder. On February 16, at 12:00 pm PST, we’ll be revisiting our brainchild, the legendary Space Quest 6: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier.

This isn’t just a playthrough; it’s a time warp. A chance to relive the golden age of point-and-click adventures, when every pixel held the promise of a chuckle, a gasp, or a face palm moment. Sure, the graphics might look a bit blocky by today’s standards, and the puzzles might require a hint of old-school logic, but “Space Quest 6” remains a testament to the enduring power of humor, heart, and a whole lot of digital duct tape. And for a a short moment, we’re not just the two old guys you see before you; we’ll be magically thrust back to our time in the old Sierra On-Line tin shed, starry-eyed and dreaming of pixelated galaxies, all thanks to the magic of a game we poured our hearts and souls into all those years ago.

Mark you calendars and join Steve Conrad, Daniel Albu, and your’s truly as we make our way through this great adventure game from the 90’s.

Space Quest 6 developers play Space Quest 6 with Daniel Albu!

That time I was famous… well, maybe not

This is happening…3.5 hours, I hope I don’t look like a blabbering idiot!

I talked with Daniel the day before my birthday last month. He had me rambling on and on about my glory days with Sierra Online. Daniel was just a kid growing up in Israel when I was working for the biggest PC gaming company in the world… right here in the little town of Oakhurst.

I’ll be hanging around in the chat during the premiere so if you have some time on Sunday, pop in for a bit and say hi.

A Conversation with Sierra Developer William R. Shockley (Space Quest 6 / Gabriel Knight 2)