Flex Friday… Another year, another gym!

See my journey

Yup. it’s that time again, my yearly Flex Friday post. I know I look a little scruffy, I really should have trimmed the ol’ whiskers before I took this pic but it’s been a crazy year of ups and downs but things seem to be back on track!

So, I’ve been making progress since The Great Covid Deficit of 2020™, but the powers that be did throw a couple of wrenches in there to keep it spicy. I was informed late June that my beloved gym would be closing down permanently. I was totally bummed as the place was pretty awesome, it was huge, lots of free and machine weights, treadmills, ellipticals, rowers, bikes, stairs, an awesome basket/volley ball court, giant locker room with steam room, and lots and lots of space. The thought of switching to another gym was truly frightening.

Thankfully we have two other gyms in town, one that was much smaller and open 24 hours, and another that’s been around forever and a lot more old school when it came to the weights. I bit my cheek and chose the old school gym as it seemed to be more my style. It was nice to see some of the people from the old gym had chose the same, but it was going to be an interesting switch indeed, as everything felt so different at the new place.

I tell you, everyone agreed the change was difficult… even the weights felt heavier as I transitioned to a more free weight workout compared to the lazy machine/free weight workout I had grown accustomed too. I quickly found that I was getting a much better workout then I had at the old place. I guess it’s good to shake it up a bit from time to time in order to see progress.

As I familiarized myself with the area around me, I was still dealing with aches and pains in my knees and ankles that seemed to have started during the Covid break. I was unable to keep up on my legs like I had been, and it wasn’t until recently that I’m finally able to get some more regular exercise out of them and hopefully soon I’ll be back on track like I was before.

Everything else is improving nicely. I’m still not quite up to where I was before the lockdowns but I’m pretty damn close hitting just under my maxes prior to closures. As I get older I’m hoping to be able to keep up. People at the gym don’t believe me when I tell them my age, and it brings a little joy knowing that for the most part I feel much younger than my age. 🙂

So much has changed since I started this journey seven years ago, but I won’t let anything get in my way. I hope to be even stronger and lighter when I’m sixty, so look out all you young whippersnappers, this old man is coming for ya.

Hasbro Ghostbusters Plasma Series Spengler’s Proton Pack

OMG, It’s finally here!!!!

I ordered this bad boy way back in 2021 when Hasbro offered it up via the Haslab crowdfunding platform. They needed 7,000 backers to proceed and they received over 19,000 eager Ghostbusters fans with the product scheduled for release in spring 2023.

Well it’s truly hard to believe that even with all the Covid related delays and supply chain issues, the good folks at Hasbro managed to get this out earlier than expected.

The pack connects to the previously released and awesome Hasbro Ghostbusters Plasma Series Spengler’s Neutrona Wand which I had already purchased way back in 2020. They both work together and the pack actually responds to the actions of the wand. This is truly unexpected as the original wand was created as a stand alone item, with no plans at the time to create the entire pack.

Here’s a quick video of the pack in operation.

Of course I’ve made a few little modifications to bring the beast closer to the actual movie prop, but this thing is pretty darn cool right out of the box.

Owning a full size Ghostbusters Proton Pack has been a dream of mine since first seeing the movie way back in 1984. Until Hasbro produced this beauty, the only option was to gather up all the parts, assemble, paint and install all the electronics yourself, or pay someone thousands of dollars to build a pack for you. Although the Hasbro pack is not as authentic as these more expensive options, it’s definitely good enough for me and well exceeded my expectations.

Hasbro teased us Ghostbusters fans by hinting that they may be offering up another item later this year. I’m hoping it’s a ghost trap, or preferably an updated PKE Meter that also doubles as a ghost taser as seen in the Afterlife film.

Until them, “We have the tools, We have the talent…”

Who ya gonna call?

Well that didn’t take long… Unleash the beast!!!

While I was recently digging through and organizing my RC parts, I was surprised to find a stock Traxxas motor. I must be getting old because I can’t remember why I had an extra, but I hooked it up and it seems to work great.

I picked up an old school Traxxas speed controller (ESC) super cheap and hooked it up to a radio receiver I also had lying around. I tried to keep it simple by keeping the chassis all black but when I swapped around a few different shocks from the other trucks, I really dug the looks of the blue springs with this body.

I just fixed a broken controller which I also had stuffed in the bowels of my parts bin. You see honey, I knew I should keep it all these years just in case I needed it one day… well today is the day and now the truck is officially complete.

Ready to hit the shelf!

Yup, just like my fancy 30th Anniversary Grave Digger, these tires will only be touched by carpet, linoleum and maybe a few wood or tile floors.

Hail to the one that started it all, baby!!!

The one that started it all!

The first monster truck, Bigfoot, started out as a family Ford F-250 pickup which was modified until the tires reached 66 inches, as well as adding heavy duty suspension and four-wheel steering.

Often seen crushing regular cars under its weight, this humungous truck provide a thrilling source of entertainment that was loved across the US and beyond.

Fresh out of the box!

I was thrilled to see that Traxxas brought this classic to their lineup a few years ago, but I just couldn’t see spending the money on yet another Traxxas Stampede with a fancy shell. Well after patiently waiting for years, and searching eBay for just the right price, I finally purchased the shell and built this roller using 90% parts I already had. I even found an incredible price on a LED light set that is only found on the most recently released version.

It’s just a roller now, no motor, computer(ESC) or controller… but let’s be honest here, I’m sure this thing will be 100% up and running before you know it. 🙂

Almost there… stay on target!

I’ll be perusing eBay for the remaining parts needed for the beast and digging through what’s left of my parts in the hopes of finding anything else I can use for the build.

Hopefully soon this thing will be fully functional.

A little treat from Ghostbusters: Afterlife

I’m so happy to find this very special “souvenir from the World’s Fair at Flushing Meadow in 1964”.

This coin was mentioned during the end credits of Ghostbusters: Afterlife, which showed a touching moment between Egon and Janine that was unfortunately cut from the original Ghostbusters film.

What a fun addition to my Ghostbusters collection.

My latest addiction!

Oh my… these things are the bee’s knees!!!!

First there was the normal everyday sunflower seeds, which seemed fine at the time. Then came such favorites as “Cracked Pepper”, “BBQ”, “Spicy Sweet Chili”, and of course one of the best, “Dill Pickle”, but hot damn these “Takis Fuego” seeds are incredible.

Stop whatever you are doing at this moment and go grab a bag of these hot and spicy delights!!!

30th Anniversary Grave Digger… from roller to remote controller

Well, after getting all the RC’s out and cleaned up this past week, I decided to change this beauty from a simple rolling chassis to a full blown radio controlled beast.

I ordered and installed the last remaining parts needed to truly drive this thing, along with a few visual enhancements to spruce it up, and this monster is finally ready for the road.

Just before the transformation.

Well, actually… it won’t see any dirt, asphalt, gravel, or cement under its wheels and there will definitely be no roll-overs to scratch this beautiful body as this trailer king will only be driven under safe conditions that can only be accommodated by in-door driving.

Too pretty to bash!

Yup, these tires will only be touched by carpet, linoleum and maybe a few wood or tile floors.

Hail to the king, baby!!!

A Baby Bronco just for me!

That’s right, I got tired of the limited seat time I’ve been getting in my wife’s new Bronco Sport so I bought my own.

This bad boy is sporting a high lift, huge off-road tires, gargantuan push bar up front, and this baby is 100% electric.

Charge time is only 30 minutes which produces about 20 minutes of drive time. Needless to say I’ll be spending most of my drive time close to home.

If you happen to see me out and about in this beauty, make sure you say hi and give us a big thumbs up as you pass by! ??

Update (2/4)

I was so excited to find one in Cyber Orange, and it’s an actual Badlands Edition!!!

Cyber Orange Badlands Edition!!!

Don’t they look cute together?

I’ve decided to keep both and only drive the Cyber Orange Baby Bronco on Sundays!

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